Thursday, February 24, 2011

I Got a Cricut

So we know that I love to scrapbook.  A lot.

And I've got a whole slew of supplies - ya know, paper, stickers, stamps, but the only thing I didn't have at my fingertips was a Cricut.

Well, for my birthday, the hub's mom gave me a gift card for me to get a Cricut when it goes on sale.  So basically I've spent the last 4 weeks checking the JoAnn Fabrics website and watched to see if it ever went on sale.

Regular price is $199.  I watched it hang out at $99, then it went up to $120, and FINALLY on Monday when I checked it was only $79.

So it's mine!  All mine!  And the first word that I cut out with my new Cricut?  


Oh so original.

photo via

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