Tuesday, December 14, 2010

It's Christmas Time

It is officially Christmas time in our house.  We finally braved the cold this evening and picked out our Christmas tree.  It's a cute little thing, and is so much smaller than our tree from last year BUT with Belly Boo being interested in anything that glows and is sparkly, we figured a smaller tree was the best option. 

The only thing I have to do in the next two weeks is put up my outside lights.  Brr.

So!  Pictures!  First up is the Hubs birthday cookie, followed by a bunch of pictures of our tree/house all decorated.  Enjoy!

Om nom nom.  This beast is GOOD!

Our little tree all lit up.

The Hub's special ornament.

He's making a list...checking it twice...

My special ornament...love you Nana.

Celebrating our German heritage with the Pickle. 

Our mantle.  Love it!

I <3 snowmen.

Later this week:  My cranberry white chocolate chip biscotti recipe.  You're mouth might water just a little bit.  

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