This amazingly gorgeous weather. It just screams fall is on it's way and it makes me want to dig out all my sweaters, scarves and hats right this second.
Grey's Anatomy comes back this week. In two days to be exact. And now I get to watch it with my hubs, which is so much more fun than watching it alone. It also means that McDreamy is back. Yes. :-)
Going to see my best friend on Friday night at LVC. I miss her like whoa and I'm sure we will have a fantastic time. And seeing everyone else won't hurt either. ;-)
My dislikes for the week:
This cold that I currently have. It's terrible. My head feels like a ticking time bomb and no matter what meds I take it will just not go away. My hubs has been taking good care of me though, and I'm feeling better today than I did yesterday, so yay!
The fact that the weather will be going from fall-like to summer-like in the next day. Highs back in the 90's again. I don't want an Indian Summer.
Not being able to sleep. This cold is keeping me away from my slumber, which isn't good for anyone. So if I seem grumpy, it's not on purpose and I apologize.
What exciting things are happening to you this week?....Or what can't you wait to be over?
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